South-east garden front view of Ruskin Manor, a
substantial brick house built between the late C18th and early C19th.
Ruskin Manor (as it was later named) was once the family
home of John Ruskin from 1842 to 1871. Ruskin’s parents lived here and it is
where his wife lived from 1848 until 1854 when the marriage was annulled. He
wrote about this house: "It stood in command of seven acres of healthy
ground, half of it meadow sloping to the sunrise, the rest prudently and
pleasantly divided into an upper and lower kitchen garden, a fruitful bit of
orchard and chance inlets and outlets of wood walk.". The nearby railways
were one of the reasons Ruskin left the property as they were said to have ruined
the view from the house.
The Manor became the Ruskin Hotel in the early C20th and was
eventually demolished in 1949.
The site of the old manor is today Cross Court SE5 8HH